Builder = ref BuilderObj
BuilderObj {.acyclic.} = object name*: string ## Command name for subcommand parsers, or program name for ## the parent parser. symbol*: string ## Unique tag to apply to Parser and Option types to avoid ## conflicts. By default, this is generated with Nim's ## gensym algorithm. components*: seq[Component] help*: string groupName*: string children*: seq[Builder] parent*: Option[Builder] runProcBodies*: seq[NimNode]
- A compile-time object used to accumulate parser options before building the parser
Component = object varname*: string hidden*: bool help*: string env*: string case kind*: ComponentKind of ArgFlag: flagShort*: string flagLong*: string flagMultiple*: bool shortCircuit*: bool of ArgOption: optShort*: string optLong*: string optMultiple*: bool optDefault*: Option[string] optChoices*: seq[string] optRequired*: bool of ArgArgument: nargs*: int argDefault*: Option[string]
ComponentKind = enum ArgFlag, ArgOption, ArgArgument
GenResponse = tuple[types: NimNode, procs: NimNode, instance: NimNode]
ParseState = object tokens*: seq[string] cursor*: int extra*: seq[string] ## tokens that weren't parsed done*: bool token*: Option[string] ## The current unprocessed token key*: Option[string] ## The current key (possibly the head of a 'key=value' token) value*: Option[string] ## The current value (possibly the tail of a 'key=value' token) valuePartOfToken*: bool ## true if the value is part of the current token (e.g. 'key=value') runProcs*: seq[proc ()] ## Procs to be run at the end of parsing
ShortCircuit = object of CatchableError flag*: string help*: string
UsageError = object of ValueError
ARGPARSE_STDOUT = newFileStream(stdout)
builderStack = newSeq(Natural(0))
proc `$`(state: ref ParseState): string {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
proc add_command(name: string; group: string; content: proc ()) {.compileTime, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- Add a subcommand to a parser
proc add_runProc(body: NimNode) {.compileTime, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- Add a run block proc to the current parser
proc addParser(name: string; group: string; content: proc ()): Builder {. ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- Add a parser (whether main parser or subcommand) and return the Builder Call generateDefs to get the type and proc definitions.
proc allChildren(builder: Builder): seq[Builder] {....raises: [], tags: [].}
- Return all the descendents of this builder
proc consume(state: ref ParseState; thing: ComponentKind) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
- Advance the parser, marking some tokens as consumed.
proc generateDefs(builder: Builder): NimNode {....raises: [ValueError, KeyError], tags: [].}
- Generate the AST definitions for the current builder
proc getHelpText(b: Builder): string {....raises: [ValueError, KeyError], tags: [].}
- Generate the static help text string
proc helpProcDef(b: Builder): NimNode {....raises: [ValueError, KeyError], tags: [].}
- Generate the help proc for the parser
proc newBuilder(name = ""): Builder {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc newParseState(args: openArray[string]): ref ParseState {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc optsTypeDef(b: Builder): NimNode {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
- Generate the type definition for the return value of parsing:
proc parseProcDef(b: Builder): NimNode {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
Generate the parse proc for this Builder
proc parse(p: MyParser, args: seq[string]): MyOpts =
proc parserTypeDef(b: Builder): NimNode {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Generate the type definition for the Parser object:
- type
- MyParser = object
proc popleft[T](s: var seq[T]): T
- Pop from the front of a seq
proc popright[T](s: var seq[T]; n = 0): T
- Pop the nth item from the end of a seq
proc raiseShortCircuit(flagname: string; help: string) {.inline, ...raises: [ShortCircuit], tags: [].}
proc setOrAdd(x: var seq[string]; val: string) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc setOrAdd(x: var string; val: string) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
proc skip(state: ref ParseState) {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [].}
proc toVarname(x: string): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
- Convert x to something suitable as a Nim identifier Replaces - with _ for instance